“A Computer is an electronic machine that can solve different problems, process data, store & retrieve data and perform calculations faster and efficiently than humans”.
Meaning of the word "Computer"
Computer is derived from a Latin word “computare” which means to “to calculate”,“to count”, “to sum up” or “to think together”. So, more precisely the word computer means a "device that performs computation".The basic parts of a computer system are:
- Monitor
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Speakers
- Printer
Input Devices:
Devices that help us put data into the computer are called input devices. They help in giving instructions to the computer. Let us learn about a few input devices.
The keyboard is used for entering data into the computer system. It can type words, numbers and symbols.
The mouse is a pointing device. You can give input to the computer with the help of the mouse.
A joystick makes computer games a lot more fun. When it is moved, it passes information to the computer.
A microphone is the mike that can be attached to a computer. It allows you to input sounds like speech and songs into the computer. You can record your voice with the help of a microphone.
Web Camera:
A web camera is used to take live photos videos. You can save them in the computer.
A web camera is used to take live photos videos. You can save them in the computer.
A Scanner Copies pictures and pages, and turns them into images that can be saved on a computer.
Processing Device:
All the inputs are stored, sorted, arranged and changed by a computer. The device that helps a computer do so is called the processing device. The processing device in a computer is known as Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Output Devices:
The parts of a computer that help us to show the results of processing are called out devices. Let us learn about a few output devices.
A monitor looks like a TV screen. It shows whatever you type on the keyboard or draw with the mouse.
A printer prints the results of your work from the computer screen on a sheet of paper. This is called a printout.
The speakers are the output devices that produce different types of sounds processed by the computer. You can listen to songs or speeches stored in the computer with the help of speakers.
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