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What Is Radio Frequency Engineering?

Radio frequency engineers are specialists within the electrical engineering field. They work with devices that transmit or receive radio waves, includingwireless equipment, radios, and cellular phones. A background in general electronics, physics, and math is needed to design and improve wireless networks.

In a descriptive form Radio‐frequency (RF) engineering is about systems that operate at radio frequencies such as microwave frequencies. This chapter begins with a look at the RF subsystem of a typical radio. This gives us a good view of how amplifiers, filters, mixers, and so on, may be organized in a typical RF subsystem. The chapter then elaborates on the “handle with care” aspects of RF and how it differs from low‐frequency circuits. It introduces some mathematical preliminaries, such as how we model RF subsystems and how we perform analysis on nonlinear effects. The chapter then tackles the problem of noise. Besides noise, it considers another characteristic of RF engineering that is dealing with nonlinearities. The chapter discusses important parts of RF systems, such as mixers, oscillators, and amplifiers, and then presents a brief discussion at some other RF components.

Radio Frequency Engineer

A Radio Frequency Engineer, also known as an RF Engineer, is an electrical engineer who specializes in devices that receive or transmit radio waves. All of our wireless and mobile devices operate on radio waves, so our tech-centered society would not be possible without the work of RF Engineers. These Engineers often work in a collaborative environment both with other RF Engineers and stakeholders in other disciplines.
A RF Engineer is a skilled position that requires both a Bachelor’s degree and completion of a state licensure exam. State Licensure is required for an aspiring RF Engineer because so many positions are with public telecommunications companies. Other possible employers include the military or a radio broadcast stations. There also are a limited number of research positions available in academia.


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